Laura Worley decided to use her horrific past to help others. There had a be a reason she went through all that abuse, of every kind..
Laura went to talk therapy for over 20 years. She was not healing. There was so much pain from her past. Exhausted, depressed, and desperate over all the memories, Laura said a prayer asking for help. She knew there had to be a better way. She could not believe God wanted her to deal with her painful childhood forever. There had to be a way to release so much pain from
all the abuse. A week later, she found EFT. She definitely thought Tapping was weird, but it was actually working. The Pain was dissipating!
Four years later she found another form of Tapping called Eutaptics/FasterEFT. This method of Tapping began to clean up the deep seated pain of her youth in a way EFT could not. After years of pain and suffering, Laura finally found something that healed so many of her memories of sexual abuse and ritual abuse.
Laura was so excited about all the changes that she became a certified practitioner. For the first time in her life, she was really free of her childhood experiences. Even if she thought of what happened to her, she could no longer find the pain. In fact, she couldn’t care less about it. She was no longer obsessed with the past!
Laura’s life began to change in ways she could never have imagined. She now flies all over the world working with clients. Business opportunities continue to be incredible. Ten years, still working with clients globally. Laura has just written a brand new book, “Puzzle Pieces to The Cabal, Mind Control, and Slavery.” And, she has expanded to teaching seminars. All this has happened because she was able to let go of her childhood.
Through this long journey, Laura has learned that true healing can happen. There is more to us than our pain. The Lord wants us to be happy and whole. Trauma is not supposed to destroy us. Real forgiveness can only occur after releasing the pain.
One of the very important things that changed in Laura was her ability to find love, compassion, and forgiveness of self. She never found that in all the years of talk therapy, but so badly needed it for true healing to occur. Now more than ever, Laura believes we are in a spiritual battle. It is so important for those that have been hurt to heal. When healing occurs, each of us can become the true warrior for God that we were always meant to be. Our pain needs only be the lesson, not the journey. We are all divinely loved and so valuable to the One that created us; even if your family could not teach you that.
As Laura continues to go forth in her work globally, it is her divine mission to bring the darkness out into the light. Because Laura knows the darkness all too well, she will never give up sharing her knowledge of the Cabal. It is important for the world to know the truth, so those who have been hurt by the Illuminati, Military, Satanic, and Witchcraft groups can become free.

FASTEREFT/ Eutaptics – Fully approved and certified by founder, Robert
Smith Advanced Level 4 Practitioner – Over 1400 hours of training last 10
EFT – Certified by original Gary Craig
Matrix Reimprinting – Certified Karl Dawson
AAMET 1 & 2 Certified
Certified Hypnotherapist – Igore Ledochowski – Hypnosis Training Academy, Specializing in Conversational Hypnosis (96 hours)
Hypnotherapy – Mind Bending Language- Steve Roehm – 32 hours
Certified Member of IAPCH – International Association of Professional Conversational Hypnotists
Ethics, Legal Issues & Risk Management Strategies for EFT Practitioners, Certificate awarded by Midge Murphy, JD, PhD, ACEP Approved Continuing Education Provider

Ritual Abuse Seminar for Therapists – Seminar training over 40 hours. Private Mentoring for 18 months – over 1000 hours.
The Emotion Code and Body Code – Dr Bradley Nelson- 24 hours Training, working with clients over 1000 hours. NLP – Integrative NLP Practitioner Certification Training – 48 hrs
Tapping out of Trauma – 8-week Webinar Course Habilitat Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment Center – worked with over 80 residents using FasterEFT Addiction Protocol over 180 hours
Heal Your Body Training– Founder, Robert Smith – Eutaptics – 32 hours
Heal Your Sexual Self Seminar – Robert Smith – Eutaptics- 48 hours
Hypnotherapy and NLP- Addiction Protocol- Melissa Tiers- 32 Hours
Hypnotherapy Classes- David Snyder- 37 hours
Matrix Energetics – Dr. Richard Bartlett and Melissa Joy – over 160 hours seminar trainings
Theta Healing – 8 hours
Hypnosis Training by several trainers – Hypno Thoughts- Live – 80 hours
Theophostic Therapy – Certified Level 2