Puzzle Pieces Together
“The Course”
Understanding How to Work with a Survivor of MK Ultra and SRA
8 Weeks- 90 Min Classes on Thursdays
Each level will receive a certification
Begins June 25th, 2024 at noon MST
Begins on June 27th, 2024 at 6:00pm MST
(Can Attend both classes) (Online)
What you are going to learn in this Course will both surprise you and answer the questions of why survivors have not been getting free of mind control.
It may surprise you to know that in each survivor of MK Ultra and SRA there is a systemized structure of demonology. In every survivor there has been installed a very deep, spiritual, ancient belief system that would enable the Cabal to have control. This is the true basis of mind control with each survivor.
First, we must understand who the Cabal is and what do they believe? The Cabal is an organized way of teaching the ancient beliefs of the fallen angels and pagan gods from past ancient civilizations. The Cabal is solely based on pagan god and fallen angel worship. The Cabal comprises of groups such as the Freemasons, Illuminati, Druids, Kabbalah, Knights of Templar, Rosicrucian’s, Witchcraft groups, Satanists, etc. that act as one to bring in the kingdom of Lucifer.
What the Cabal learned over time was how to take these complex teachings from the fallen angels and false gods and put into a systematic form of demonology that they could put in every person they captured.
It is important to realize that the Cults must have an organized way to install their ancient beliefs in each person. Each person must understand Lucifers world and kingdom to ensure the total domination of mind, body, and spirit.
This systemized form of mind control is the most secret of all. These secret societies have hidden well their ancient beliefs over many different civilizations.
Over time, the fallen angels instructed the cult members exactly how they are to install mind control at this very deep spiritual level and dimensions.
With this basic understanding of who the Cults are, and what they believe, will allow you to understand how you must help the client get free.
Kabbalah was organized and taught by the secret societies as early as 1100 AD and what has now turned into today is called the “Tree of Death Complex Methodology” of Lucifers spiritual kingdom. This teaching is what keeps the client in chains and unable to find freedom.
The real reason most survivors of MK Ultra do not get free is because this part of the programming is never addressed.
The truth is if you do not address the “Tree of Death Methodology” that is layered in with many demons/fallen angels; the person cannot and will not get free.
This 8-week Online course will teach you how to remove the spiritual programming called “The Tree of Death Complex Methodology” based on the Kabbalah teachings. Also, the tools you will need as a professional to be successful. You cannot help survivors without specific tools to handle any situation that will come up.
Testimonials from current training attendees: “My feedback right now is that what you’re doing is wonderful. Thank you for putting yourself on the line to be the pioneer in this work. You have a great teaching style, and I end each session wanting even more.” R.H.
“I highly recommend the training that Steve and Laura Worley are presenting to therapists. They have continued to do this at great personal risk and cost, and it is information that will change the lives of many survivors. There is an enormous amount of valuable information being shared, especially if one reads Laura’s books. It is all delivered in such a cheerful and congenial manner that one cannot help but be pulled in and listen to every word. It has already had a great impact on my practice.” C.S.
“Who would have thought that dealing with the dark could be light and humorous? Laura brings a new and potent approach to some of the toughest healing work there is. If you have curiosity about what’s going on in those who endured the toughest childhoods this life experience presents, and would like a respectful and conversational way to help break them free, Laura’s course is a must.”
Michael, Social Impact Creator & Human Breakthrough Catalyst
“This course has information critical for healers to know to assist survivors to get free. There is a core foundation of programming that must be dismantled and finally it’s being revealed. It’s time now to become an army of healers to support the courageous survivors in the healing of these darkest wounds. I’m so eager for level 2! Thank you Laura Worley for your courage to stand against all obstacles to bring out this knowledge.” VLB
“I had been following Laura for some time before taking the course. I was drawn to her lovely personality, dedication and her ease of explaining difficult subjects. I have been working with survivors through movement therapy – seemingly by accident (as they seem to find me) and learning through my experiences with them over the years. It got to the point where so many survivors were coming to me (many not knowing they are survivors) that I was looking for a teacher/therapist who could teach me a proven framework in how to offer a depth of support that’s not usually available. Combined with this I have had my own memories since I was a young child. Studying with Laura has given me the clarity and confidence to say that I too, am a survivor.”
Level 1 Certification
Understanding the Most Hidden Programming
‣ What Curses are, finding hidden Curses, and Curse removal
‣ Protecting Yourself and Survivors in each session
‣ Recognizing Witchcraft, Rules, addressing in sessions
‣ Demons Legal Rights
‣ How to handle Demons, Fallen Angels, and Unclean Spirits
‣ Understanding the who the pagan gods are and how they are used in mind control
‣ Prayer
‣ Significance of Using Jesus Christ instead of angels
Who is the Cabal, what do they believe, and what have they did to the survivor
‣ What is the core foundation of MK Ultra and SRA programming
‣ How to remove the core foundation of programming by following the map of safety
What a professional must know in order to help survivors of MK Ultra and SRA
‣ Core Events and Core Alters
‣ Kabbalah/Freemasons/Illuminati/Druids
‣ Tree of Life vs Tree of Death
New World Order Army programming in every survivor
Water World Programming (Atlantis)
‣ Learn Modalities used specifically for SRA and MK Ultra Survivors-
(Tapping, Body Code, Muscle Testing, Courts of Heaven)
‣ Example of a removal of one event from Core Foundation Programming
‣ Alarm Systems and Removal
‣ Ancestral Clearing for clients
‣ …And More
Level 1
Level 2 Advanced Certification
8 weeks- 90 min classes · Starts September 17 and 19th, 2024
‣ Advanced Training of Principles taught on Level 1
‣ Advanced Training of the Core Foundation programming by teaching other front level programming you will find in the deprogramming process. (Examples-Computer, Hourglass, All Disney, Black Box, Keys, etc.)
‣ DID/ Integration
‣ How Core Foundation Intertwine with all programs
‣ Higher Levels of Programming such as (Mother of Darkness, Father of Darkness, Druid King or priest, Druid princess or queen
‣ High Level Alters, what they can do, and how to work with them.
Learn the programming and how to remove it of the Mother of Darkness and Father of Darkness. (Currently this is not published.)
‣ Hidden Programming and Hidden Alters
The High level groomed alters will have their own programming that is separate from the Core Foundation
‣ Remove one full event
‣ High Level Demons and Goddesses
‣ NWO Army programming Removal
‣ Water World/ Atlantis Programming Removal
‣ Family Programming
Learning how to remove the most hidden of the programming safely.
‣ The role that Metatron, Leviathan, Appolyon, Nimrod, Michael Demons
plays in the programming
‣ Nephilims and their part in the spiritual programming of the Core Foundation
‣ …And More
Level 2