Are you feeling overwhelmed, and not sure what to do?
A Transformational Intensive Program may be right for you.
Transformational Intensives are about putting all the puzzle pieces of your life together.

Why Intensives?
Transformational Intensives are designed to create a safe place for you to address what has what has happened in your past without the worry of having to go back to your daily life. Intensives are a time to focus on you without interruptions.
Intensives are for people who have a lot of issues coming up at once. Weekly sessions will not suffice to gain sufficient relief from the emotional pain and stress from past and present experiences.
It is common for a person to feel that their problems are insurmountable and there is no way out. In an Intensive we begin the process by addressing one small piece of the traumatic event at a time. Addressing each piece of the puzzle, slowly and gently, allows you to go up that mountain one step at a time. Before you know it; you will have reached the top of your mountain, able to see your life from a new perspective and free of the pain.

There is nothing you cannot change, if you do it one step at a time.

It will be easy to find freedom in the mind and the body when you are no longer carrying the pain of the past.
It’s time, to find out who you truly are.
Extraordinary. Spectacular. Remarkable.

Why Should You Work With Me?
In early 2000 I paid a specialist to work with me eight hours a day, once a month, for a year. It was very expensive. I was desperate at the time and would have done anything. Looking back if I had not done the Intensives I don’t think I could have addressed all the issues of trauma and ritual abuse. There was just too much. We addressed a great deal of trauma, but we did not release the pain. I have learned if you do not release the emotional pain out of the mind and the body; the unconscious mind will recreate past events through emotions, behaviors, and relationships. With the tool of tapping and other healing modalities, there are many ways to release the pain when you address the past trauma.
Since then I have been trained to help people address trauma and abuse in ways most practitioners have not. I have an extensive background in trauma release training, as well as, my own experience. It has been my life goal to help people overcome their past trauma, abuse, cult abuse, and mind control. I have spent 25 years learning and training in many ways a person can find wholeness in their life. It is because of what I have learned from many teachers, and divinely taught methods; I have the skills and knowledge to help.

Who is right for Intensive?
Intensives are for anyone who:
Feels stress and overwhelm of present and past events.
Is struggling with known or suppressed memories.
Has a background of childhood trauma and abuse.
Has experienced any kind of group or cult abuse.
Has experienced Mind control.
Struggling with addictions.
Basically, anyone who wants to change their life and become whole!
It does take courage to address the past.
Putting the puzzle pieces together for:
Peace. Healing. Freedom.

Find The Best Intensive For You
Option 1
We will work on your painful events, memories, beliefs, and patterns.
Sessions each day will include a 4 to 6 hour block.
There will be 2 follow up sessions that are 2 hours each. (This must be agreed upon before I will take you on as a client.)
Total Hours: 22 hrs of Sessions (including the follow up)
Price: $3599.00
Option 2
You will receive everything in Option 1