‘Puzzle Pieces Together’
3-Day Seminar
Understanding the puzzle pieces to mind control.
Learn how to remove the foundation at its core.
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Seminars are streamed live on ZOOM!
Join us for a groundbreaking worldwide live seminar! Experience the rare opportunity to connect with survivors and professionals in a safe and secure environment, where you can ask questions and gain valuable insights. With a larger audience attending virtually, our live stream offers the chance to connect with like-minded individuals from across the globe. Simply sign up to receive your exclusive Zoom link and join us for this unforgettable event. Don’t miss out on this one-of-a-kind opportunity to learn, connect, and grow.
Las Vegas, Nevada 2023
Salt Lake City, Utah 2022
In case you missed it! You can still see the live recording!
One-Of-A-Kind Seminar
August 2nd, 3rd, 4th 2024
In this seminar you will discover the answers to the questions of why, how, where, when and what has been done by the illuminati, Freemasons, Military and Fertility Cults to create Mind Controlled Slaves.
All Cult groups use a template that is highly organized on all who have been captured by them. This template starts in the womb and the person must complete training by 16 to 17 years old.
It is imperative for professionals and survivors to understand what exactly has been done in the programming process. If you do not get the core foundation programming removed; it will be impossible to become free of mind control.

Addressing mind control and what is done to create a slave can be overwhelming when the pieces are not understood. When the mind becomes fractured and split into many compartments a person under mind control will only have a few of the pieces. This can leave a person confused, angry, and in pain.
Knowledge is everything to breaking free! With knowledge comes hope. There is always hope when faith is present. When hope and faith are present there is power. When you pull upon that power there will be endless options to heal and overcome the traumatic events of mind control, torture, and slavery.

We will show you how to put the pieces together. You will not only learn the pieces to the puzzle of the Cabal, Mind Control and Slavery; you will learn tools and methods to break free from the chains that kept you a prisoner in your own mind.
Chains are easily broken if you know how. Having the missing puzzle pieces are absolutely imperative to find lasting freedom and peace.

Survivors, Practitioners, Therapists and Holistic Healers, Partners of Survivors and Truth Seekers are invited to attend this seminar.
Learning the foundation to all programming so you can remove it quickly will be the most important thing professionals and survivors can do right now. We don’t have years anymore to figure out what has been done by these cults. The Lord is showing us the way to find freedom in a way without going down a rabbit hole of distractions. Many survivors programming has started to break down because of recent events in the last three years. It is imperative for us to be able to help them right now! If we share this information around the world; we render the cults powerless because we are bringing their secrets into the light. Up until three years ago they had done well keeping their template of programming hid.

The seminar will primarily be led by Laura Worley, with Steve Worley adding a touch of humor and spiritual insights. As a partner to a survivor, Steve will also share his perspectives. Techniques will be taught to help maintain emotional balance throughout the seminar.
Laura and Steve are familiar with the intense emotions that can arise during the healing process from SRA. They aim to save attendees from years of emotional turmoil and confusion by offering guidance and support through this seminar. They have first-hand experience of the difficulties in navigating the journey towards healing from SRA.
Day One:
Tree of Life
Tree of Death
Kabbalah Jewish Mysticism
Beliefs of the Kabbalah
How Occults Use the Kabbalah
Sephirot Tree from the Kabbalah
How the Sephirot is used in Mind Control
Specific beliefs, and descriptions of Occult groups including: Satanic Groups, Illuminati,
Freemason, Fertility Cult, Witchcraft, Military, and Mind Control.
Programmers and Programming
Programming Set to Sabotage Professional Sessions
The Unconscious and Conscious Mind
Alters and D.I.D.
How to Tap
Technique Demonstrations
Q & A
Closing Positive Message
Day Two:
Core Foundational Programming Explained
Core Events Explained
How Programming Begins in the Womb
What Programming is Done to a Child in the Womb
Events in Core Foundation Programming
Core Parts that must be Focused On
Specific Ages that are connected to the Core Parts
Stages of Training
Climbing Jacobs Ladder to the Four Worlds
Cosmic Tree
Tree Programming
How Chakras are Used in Programming
Sacred Geometry used in Programming for Evil
New World Order Army Programming
Water World Kingdom Programming
Q & A
Evil and Unclean Spirits
Satan and His Army
Witchcraft Rules of Curses
Simple Casting Out
Protection for Professional and Survivor
Q & A
Closing positive Message
Day Three:
The Courts of Heaven
Releasing Legal Claim of Demons
Bloodline Iniquity
Bloodline Cleansing
Why Bloodline Cleansing is so Important in Healing Process
How Satan tries to Stop Us from Receiving what is in our Book of Life
Six Things that must Happen for a Demon to Have Legal Claim on a Person
How to use Bloodline Cleansing and The Courts of Heaven
Why The Blood of Jesus is so Important to Healing Process
The Power of Jesus in Healing
Courts of Heaven Exercise
Body Code
Muscle Testing
Tapping- use for Painful Emotions
How to Shut Down Alarm Systems and Suicide Programs
How I remove Programming
Tools and Methods -Coming all Together
Technique Demonstration Follow up
Steve’s Story as a Partner of a MK Ultra Survivor
Closing Positive Message
Q & A
This is a general outline of each day of the seminar and the recording. There is much more information in the seminar not listed.

Puzzle Pieces Together 3-Day
Salt Lake City, Utah Seminar 2022
Were you unable to attend the seminar?
You can still get the recording!
Price: $199.00
“Laura Worley’s seminar Puzzle Pieces Together helped me pull together disparate parts of myself and feel more empowered and in control of my own life.
As a survivor, the unknown and misunderstood feelings, triggers and programming wreak havoc with the rhythm of daily life and learning how to step by step wrest control back with the help of God.”
“When I saw how quickly Laura could change a person who was so withdrawn back to their real self I was totally amazed!
I love, love, love how she brought us to the Courts of Heaven. That was truly a beautiful thing that I believe that everyone needs to experience! The prayer that her husband Steve gave not only touched my heart but made me feel at peace…
Laura and Steve are the perfect team! Thank-you Laura and Steve for being so down to earth, For being on the Lord’s errand to help rescue His people.”
“This was a wonderful class! Laura and Steve were able to teach and edify at the same time. These were big topics to cover, and they equipped us with tools to manage any problems or stressors that came up. It felt safe to share and ask questions, and you could tell that Laura and Steve genuinely care and want to help others get free! They made sure to share things that lifted you up after the bigger topics. You went home feeling inspired and hopeful. Thank you for teaching and sharing the truth!”
Laura is a pioneer in the world of psychology. Her in-depth knowledge of complex trauma and how to successfully treat it using alternative healing modalities is extraordinary. Her personal strength, passion and positivity are inspiring and her workshops are engaging, fun and super interactive. Highly recommend!!!
Heather Mack
I just had to send you a note saying THANK YOU! Your seminar ‘Releasing Complex Trauma’ was incredible. I am so glad I attended, I now have new awareness and tools to help my clients with severe trauma. Thank you for getting this information out there, it is an area screaming for attention and many types of practitioners will find themselves with these clients. I’m grateful for your work in this area, and for seeing and addressing the need for training others to be equipped to help also. Thanks again Laura!
Not only does Laura have a wealth of information and experience in the field of healing trauma which she shares in her training, she is also an amazing and empathetic practitioner to work with. I know this because I have worked with Laura in the past and has helped me resolve several life issues. I would highly recommend you attend one of Laura’s trainings or that you seek out her help with healing.
Maryjane H