Transformational and Educational Coach, Laura Worley, works with people all over the world to help them release and let go of emotional pain. By working with the subconscious mind and body to release negative memories, feelings, patterns, and beliefs, we can create healing, peace, and freedom.

Oftentimes the reason someone cannot remember their childhood is because the trauma was too great. If the child did not suppress the events; they may have not survived.
Puzzle Pieces Together, was built on the idea and belief you can find all the pieces of your life, put them together, and pull your mind back together despite the trauma a person has been through, and become whole.
Using my experiences as a practitioner/coach in the area of complex trauma and ritual abuse, I was able to develop a method of recovery that is successful. I have been certified in many modalities that eventually helped me put together many of my own techniques and methods. I now use this successful system to work with survivors all over the world and train professionals.
If you want to have a happy, peaceful life; you must be willing to do the work to look at the truth of your life.
You cannot run away from your life and the truth of what happened; no matter how hard you try.

What I have learned about asking someone to deal with the trauma in a session; there must be a way to handle the pain. This is where the modality called, “Tapping” comes in. Tapping is a beautiful way to release emotional and physical pain using the meridian system, the subconscious mind, and the body to let go permanently of the pain of the past and current emotions.
Tapping draws on cutting-edge neuroscience to rewire the brain and release the pain of the past. This powerful technique allows you to address all five senses, change negative beliefs, and instill positive emotions and goals.

A unique and valuable piece of Laura’s success in helping clients involves using alternative methods, such as Tapping.

The next tool that is absolutely invaluable to my process is Body Code created by Dr. Bradley Nelson. I use Body Code to get to the root of the problem very quickly. I describe Body Code as a map to bring forward the subconscious mind’s information. This once again, helps the process of removal for survivors shave off years of work in the recovery field.
Muscle Testing uses the body and mind to reveal a yes or no answer. It is all based on the quality of a specific question asked to get the quality of the answer. When using the method of Muscle Testing the subconscious mind and body can show the truth. The Body cannot lie. Muscle Testing allows the client and I to know what direction will be the most useful to work on so we do not have to guess.
Body Code and Muscle Testing allows me to find the root cause quickly and efficiently based on the truth. This literally can save years of therapy because you are not guessing and are not being led astray.
We will use “the Map” to address specific core events a survivor goes through to release the programming done. The template is done to every survivor and put in a specific way. Following “The Map” in the removal process allows the survivor to get free of all the torture, trauma, and levels of programming held in place by fallen angels.
I use other tools to create an amazing process that helps survivors get free of trauma, programming, and mind control. (Techniques can be found in all three books.)
My favorite part of this process is going to the Courts of Heaven. When the client and I find what has happened at each specific event, we take it to the Courts of Heaven to report what we have found to the Lord and God the Father. We then ask the Lord to remove all legal rights any fallen angel or ancestral spirits have to the person. Without this important step the client cannot get free of the fallen angels that are attached to them because of the cult programming.
The Courts of Heaven is where the miracles occur because Jesus Christ does the healing of the trauma, heals the alters so they can integrate with the person, and finally helps them to bring their mind back together. For most survivors, this is the first time in their life they feel whole.
There is nothing more beautiful to see someone work hard and pull their mind back together. That is true healing for survivors! It can be done.
Ready to Let Go of the Past and Embrace a Brighter Future?
When you release the past, you open the door to a life filled with hope, optimism, self-love, faith, and joy. Laura Worley’s transformational course, “Puzzle Pieces Together,” is your pathway to peace, healing, and freedom.
Take the first step today. Let’s get started on your journey to wholeness.
Let’s get started….
x3 – 2 Hour Sessions
(6 Hour Package)
regularly $900.00
($151.00 savings)
x5 – 2 Hour Sessions
(10 Hour Package)
regularly $1,500.00
($501.00 savings)
x8 – 2 Hour Sessions
(16 Hour Package)
regularly $2,400.00
($801.00 savings)
2 Hour Session
90 minute Session

FASTEREFT/ Eutaptics – Fully approved and certified by founder, Robert Smith Advanced Level 4 Practitioner – Over 1400 hours of training last 10 years.
EFT – Certified by original Gary Craig
Matrix Reimprinting – Certified Karl Dawson
AAMET 1 & 2 Certified
Certified Hypnotherapist – Igore Ledochowski – Hypnosis Training Academy, Specializing in Conversational Hypnosis (96 hours)
Hypnotherapy – Mind Bending Language- Steve Roehm – 32 hours
Certified Member of IAPCH – International Association of Professional Conversational Hypnotists
Ethics, Legal Issues & Risk Management Strategies for EFT Practitioners, Certificate awarded by Midge Murphy, JD, PhD, ACEP Approved Continuing Education Provider
Ritual Abuse Seminar for Therapists – Seminar training over 40 hours. Private Mentoring for 18 months – over 1000 hours.
The Emotion Code and Body Code – Dr Bradley Nelson- 24 hours Training, working with clients over 1000 hours. NLP – Integrative NLP Practitioner Certification Training – 48 hrs
Tapping out of Trauma – 8-week Webinar Course Habilitat Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment Center – worked with over 80 residents using FasterEFT Addiction Protocol over 180 hours
Heal Your Body Training– Founder, Robert Smith – Eutaptics – 32 hours
Heal Your Sexual Self Seminar – Robert Smith – Eutaptics- 48 hours
Hypnotherapy and NLP- Addiction Protocol- Melissa Tiers- 32 Hours
Hypnotherapy Classes- David Snyder- 37 hours
Matrix Energetics – Dr. Richard Bartlett and Melissa Joy – over 160 hours seminar trainings
Theta Healing – 8 hours
Hypnosis Training by several trainers – Hypno Thoughts- Live – 80 hours
Theophostic Therapy – Certified Level 2

“I first met Laura after a Faster EFT transformational retreat. After hearing me mention something that had bothered me for a long time, she came right up and offered to help me with it. I booked a session shortly after that and I am so glad I did! That long-standing phobia that bothered me for years is completely gone! Life is very different — and easier now. We have continued to work on other issues and she is marvelous. Thank you Laura! ”
— Jean Erickson
“Laura Worley is a highly gifted and insightful F-EFT coach and practitioner.
People who have a talent for nurturing others to self-insght and healing, must have great intuitive talent. Laura is both well skilled and nearly savant in her intuitive ability.
Allow me to conclude by stating that she can be as gentle as a lamb and as forceful as a lion in coaxing change from hurting, frightened, dismayed people. Fortunately, all who lean on her for help, will discover she wields insight and wisdom well.”
— T. Hamilton Irvine
I have taken many courses and classes over the years always to work through my stuff. I knew a little about tapping and took a seminar Laura had about 2 years ago and I have been forever changed. I also had a private session with her afterwards. The work she does is amazing, Laura is very gifted at what she does. For me it wasn’t an instant Im feeling better or things are better, i think i took a minute for the brain to recognize that I wasn’t feeling the same or doing some of the same habits. I was so surprised & delighted at the changes! If you want to change things in your life, Laura can help!! She is very kind & gentle
-Paula W
I have spent many years and thousands of dollars with varied therapists seeking help for PTSD from certain events. Although these events were in my past they were actively affecting my day to day functioning and my ability to be a compassionate spouse and mother. Laura explained her technique to me and I thought I would give it a try. Grateful and relieved are the two strongest words that come to mind. I was always so frustrated with the slow movement and progression in talk therapy and there was no slow movement here! Laura’s EFT Tapping technique is very effective and very strong. After two sessions we had addressed and helped several major traumas that I hadn’t been able to heal from with years of typical therapy. I left her office feeling light hearted and full of hope, feelings I hadn’t felt since early childhood. She helped me to truly believe that healing is possible and attainable. She is incredibly talented, generous, and kind hearted. I am so grateful for the sessions I have had and I’m grateful to know where to go for effective healing in the future!
“I actually feel different all during the day. So strange but I had issues with my mom and dad that were driving my addiction. Laura addressed those issues with Faster EFT as they related to my addiction. For 3 night in a row after the session with Laura, I dreamed about by mom and dad and I was drinking alcohol in all three sessions. I believe the “benefits” from my session with Laura were continuing and I was still ‘releasing’ all during my sleep/dreaming state for 3 night in a row.
If anyone here is a “newbie” besides me, I would highly recommend setting op a session with Laura. I have gone to AA for over 25 years and she did more to help me in one session of FasterEFT than the entire 25 years of attending AA meeting. Thank you so much Laura!”
— Jim Hanratty
“Hello Laura, Thanks for working with me today. I’m so glad we got to my mother. That relationship was one that I couldn’t get “fixed” with Theophostics. Very powerful conversation…a profound experience.”
— Patricia
“Working with Laura was an experience to be had.
I consider myself a tough “cookie” and shifting is hard for me, yet with all my hard-wired beliefs Laura was, from the very beginning, incredibly sensitive to my issues and NEVER gave up on me guiding me with a very gentle but effective hand. When my ego kicked in and my ego got the best of me, she understood like the PROFESSIONAL and HUMANE person she is and got me back on track to work through the storm hand in hand. Understanding, compassionate, kind, knowledgeable and incredibly funny —much needed and appreciated— she went to any length to make the shifts needed, tried many approaches, used all her tools in her amazing toolbox and is incredibly knowledgeable on using Faster EFT thus making the process as easy as possible for me.
Laura worked tirelessly and even went overtime as long as we reached the desired outcome and would bring a happy smile to my face.
She understands the humane experience completely. I could show up as myself entirely and there was ever the slightest shed of discomfort. No matter how many times I did not understand, was resistant, or fearful, she was a like a Zen Master, nothing derailed her from her mission to help me set free from my demons. Again and again she would explain what was needed to be done to clear all obstacles; she was encouraging and saw the best in me even when I was not able to.
This smart, spirited, brave, motivated, interesting and wholeheartedly loving woman, who has overcome so many obstacles in her personal life, has now become a marvelous practitioner determined by heart and soul in guiding others to reach their own achievements. She cares. Period. My healing process has yet begun but we achieved so many “before” and “after” together, I was fortunate to have her with and by me. The list could go on and on so, isn’t this someone you would want you to hold your hand on your own self healing journey..?
This letter of appreciation is dedicated with deep respect and gratitude to her and in the hopes it strikes a chord to anyone out there in quiet despair and wondering: Who would be a good companion on this, my own quest…? As someone recently told me: It is a feat for only the brave and courageous ones: Laura Worley is one of them. I wouldn’t say I don’t hesitate to recommend her; rather I ENCOURAGE anyone to seek her immediately.
With her Help, Love and Persistence, I know there are yet more blessings coming my way…..”
— Much love, Maria
“I thoroughly enjoyed my tapping sessions with you! I benefited in many ways, but the biggest healing that I had when I worked with you was healing from my rheumatoid arthritis. I have been arthritis free for over a year and a half now. My life could have been completely different if we weren’t able to overcome the last key to overcoming my illness. I did all the work to heal my body physically and needed that final healing of my mind to become completely whole again. What a huge accomplishment. Other things in my life became better shortly thereafter as well. You were creative, genuine, fun, persistent and diligent about staying with an issue until it was not emotional anymore. Thank you for your knowledge and your gifts that only you could give me!”
— Alecia Fred
“Just today as I was having some anxiety and feeling blocked in certain ways, like I am my own worst enemy, I remembered our therapy time together. I pulled out the paper you gave me to help me do the techniques by myself at home. I went through and did the routine a few times. It definately helped, and the knot in my gut was greatly reduced to nearly unoticable. I thought to myself how I forget about this great tool I have when I need it most. I really need to hang it on the bathroom wall next to where I put on my makeup each day so I am constantly reminded of the tools I have. I don’t think the impact would be there if we hadn’t had the initial few sessions and I would love to do more but finances are preventing me from doing so. I’m so glad I have the information that you passed on to refer to. Your were very easy to work with as I felt completely unjudged and free to feel and do what was necessary to move forward. Thank you for the work that you do. ”
— Suzanne Moody
Excellent emotional trauma recovery coaching. Highly recommended! Laura is kind and competent. I appreciate her professionalism
– Ron J
Working with Laura was tremendously beneficial for me. I say ‘working’ because we were addressing some difficult and sensitive issues in my past but frankly it didn’t feel like work. She was funny, playful and yet all business and hugely productive. We accomplished a lot of clearing, she exposed me to new thoughts, techniques and ways of seeing things. It takes a while for things to seep through into my day to day life but I sometimes am surprised by my responses which tells me we made great progress. I can see myself going back to continue working on other issues down the road.
– Rebecca
Over the past several months Laura has been instrumental in helping me release lifelong mental blockage. Prior to her sessions, I was unable to make progress in breaking down and ridding myself of long-standing limitations. Since working with Laura, I have felt the weight of childhood and adolescent traumas being lifted. This release has allowed me to continue moving forward in other areas of my personal and professional life that have been held back by self-limiting beliefs and my quality of life and levels of personal happiness have continually improved ever since. Because of the very positive and transformational experiences that I have had as a result of our sessions, I have and will continue to recommend her services to others I know who struggle with similar issues that I had. Additionally, I look forward to having my children work with her to clear up some of their early traumas so that they can hopefully navigate adolescents with greater ease and enter adulthood on much better footings. I truly value the work that Laura does and know that the world is a better place because of it. And, as mentioned by others, Laura is very accepting, non-judgmental and a joy to work with.
– Brendan S