Survivors of SRA and MK Ultra

Learn How to Help Yourself!

August 2nd, 3rd, 4th 2024

12:00 pm to 4:00 pm MST

Worldwide Online Event

It is important for survivors to understand what has happened in order to get free. If you only have a few pieces to the puzzle it is impossible to remove the programming done by the Cabal.

The biggest secret still kept by the Cabal that survivors do not understand; is that every survivor of MK Ultra and SRA have the same template of programming.

The Template is based on a sophisticated, organized, method of creating a structured form of demonology. The Cabal is loyal to following fallen angels and pagaon false gods. The layers of demons take place with the programming in a complex way which all survivors must understand.

All groups such as Illuminati, Freemasons, Satanists, and Witchcraft all follow the Kabbalah ancient teachings. This is what is created in every survivor. They must build the ancient teachings in the person in order to create their worldwide army.

These secret societies must have an organized way of creating mind control. In order to have millions under mind control worldwide there must be a template to follow.

Right now professionals and survivors are going in circles not having any idea of what really is going on in the survivor which only creates alarm systems going off, and survivors being harmed because of the lack of knowledge. The Cabal is laughing because they know most people will never get to the truth of the programming which is the spiritual side which is the Kingdom of Lucifer.

In this seminar you will discover the answers to the questions of why, how, where, when and what has been done by the Illuminati, Freemasons, Military and Fertility Cults, Kabbalah to create mind control slaves.

All Cult groups use this highly sophisticated template on all who have been captured by them.

This template of programming starts in the womb and the person must complete training by 16 to 17 years old.

It is imperative for professionals and survivors to understand what exactly has been done in the programming process. If you do not get the core foundation programming removed; it will be impossible to become free of mind control. Most professionals and survivors will stay focused on front programming and this will never get the person free.

If you do not deal with demonic layer in the programming the survivor cannot get free.

We must use the power of knowledge to stop the Cabal from creating anymore mind control slaves. We do that with understanding what they do in the programming process and remove it in every single survivor.

The next 3 Days you will be shown what is inside you and ways you can help yourself. Unfortunately there are not enough professionals to help yet all the survivors are seeking help. I feel a survivor can break themselves free if they know how!