Puzzle Pieces to The Cabal, Mind Control and Slavery
If you have ever wondered what governments, military, kings and queens, Deep State Cabal, secret societies, Satanic cults, Witchcraft, and Mind Control have in common, this book explains them all and will put all the puzzle pieces together.
The questions of why, how, where, when, and what has been done by the Cabal to create Mind Controlled Slaves are answered. This book will take a deep, deep dive into the Tree of Life and the Tree of Death, explaining how the devil turns all of God’s teachings upside dow and then uses them to run his kingdom. Using Bible references, it will be shown what has been going on since the beginning of time.
Laura was prompted by the Lord to write a very different book than she originally planned. God said, it is important for people to understand why there are secret societies and what they are involved with at a global level. Secret societies include many groups, but this book addresses four groups specifically: Satanism, Illuminati, Military, and Witchcraft.
It is important for a survivor or therapist to understand the specific pieces and patterns that go into the programming of a person that has been under the control of these groups. When all the pieces are understood; healing, peace, and freedom can be found. This book takes an in depth look at the programming methods, purposes, and outcomes.
Laura is a survivor who shows others how to survive and thrive. She shares some of her experience, but this book is full of information that has been hidden for way too long! It is time for the darkness to be brought into the light.
Truth and love are the most powerful forces on earth.
Finally, all the pieces of the puzzle are revealed!
Puzzle Pieces Together
Manual, A Pathway To Freedom
Manual, A Pathway To Freedom
Part 2
A complete manual for healing that reveals the base programs of mind control, the ages when core alters are created and a protocol of integration. Laura arms us with the truth about the multidimensional layering of trauma, programs, the hierarchy of entities and technology that fracture the mind into programmable parts. Delivering these complexities in a simple, straightforward way, Laura brings a unique perspective through her lived experience as a survivor, coach and healer. Her incredible knowledge enables patterns to be identified that otherwise play out unconsciously, draining our energy and keeping us stuck. By reverse engineering the amnesiac barriers surrounding the deepest dissociated parts, Laura enables survivors, therapists and holistic healers to comprehend the technology of MK Ultra mind control and begin integrating mind, body, emotions and spirit into balance and wholeness.
“I would highly recommend this book to all therapist and survivors of ritual abuse. Laura’s book is well written and easy to read. The terminologies are clearly explained and make total sense. Although her personal stories may seem too horrific to be true there are lots of us who have experienced similar things. Survivors who read this book may find answers to puzzling questions that they’ve had their whole lives and hopefully it will give them the courage to reach out for help. I know I certainly could identify with a lot of what she shared. I also believe that this book will be an important tool for therapists to educate themselves and help in guiding clients to a place of healing. Laura has been known in the healing community for several years and very well respected.”
-Janice B
More About Laura Worley
Laura Worley is a Speaker, Trainer, Coach, and Author. She uses specific techniques and one of a kind training for clients and professionals. Laura has successfully helped people all around the world address issues in the area of complex trauma and ritual abuse. She is also the creator of The Worldwide Transformational Summit where she interviewed over 85 top Authors and Motivational Speakers globally in the field of transforming lives.

I have spent many years and thousands of dollars with varied therapists seeking help for PTSD from certain events. Although these events were in my past they were actively affecting my day to day functioning and my ability to be a compassionate spouse and mother. Laura explained her technique to me and I thought I would give it a try. Grateful and relieved are the two strongest words that come to mind. I was always so frustrated with the slow movement and progression in talk therapy and there was no slow movement here! Laura’s EFT Tapping technique is very effective and very strong. After two sessions we had addressed and helped several major traumas that I hadn’t been able to heal from with years of typical therapy. I left her office feeling light hearted and full of hope, feelings I hadn’t felt since early childhood. She helped me to truly believe that healing is possible and attainable. She is incredibly talented, generous, and kind hearted. I am so grateful for the sessions I have had and I’m grateful to know where to go for effective healing in the future!
Laura Worley is incredible. She helped me clear a lot of past traumatic events in my life that other healing therapists haven’t. I have been to many. I believe my case was very unique and she helped me out and move forward with my life. Thanks to her I am happy again. She has great insight, witty, and all around a caring, persistent individual.
Desiree P.
Over the past several months Laura has been instrumental in helping me release lifelong mental blockage. Prior to her sessions, I was unable to make progress in breaking down and ridding myself of long-standing limitations. Since working with Laura, I have felt the weight of childhood and adolescent traumas being lifted. This release has allowed me to continue moving forward in other areas of my personal and professional life that have been held back by self-limiting beliefs and my quality of life and levels of personal happiness have continually improved ever since. Because of the very positive and transformational experiences that I have had as a result of our sessions, I have and will continue to recommend her services to others I know who struggle with similar issues that I had. Additionally, I look forward to having my children work with her to clear up some of their early traumas so that they can hopefully navigate adolescents with greater ease and enter adulthood on much better footings. I truly value the work that Laura does and know that the world is a better place because of it. And, as mentioned by others, Laura is very accepting, non-judgmental and a joy to work with.
Brendan S.